品牌活动 品牌活动


发布时间:2024-04-30 14:54:26



We sincerely invite you to share your collections and work together to 

create a magnificent chapter for the "Global Human Resources Exhibition Hall"!





Invitation to Contribute Exhibits


诚挚邀请 机构/媒体/个人


Sincerely invite institutions, media and individuals 

to participate in the "Journey of Thought and Dialogue | Global Human Resources Exhibition".














After a brilliant journey of more than a century, the magnificent global human resources have not only profoundly promoted social prosperity and progress, but also silently highlighted the magnificent picture of human civilization.


At the initial stage of planning for the Engma Building·Hui Gui, we harbored a bold dream of establishing the first exhibition hall themed on global human resources development in Hui Gui, named as “Global Human Resources Exhibition Hall”, in order to show our profound respect. We hope that every visitor who steps into the exhibition hall will resonate with the giants of history and roam in this sea of thoughts.


It had already taken root before we were born.

And it will survive after we leave.

It is the past, but also the future.








● 通过丰富的历史展品和生动的叙述,细诉全球人力资源行业的演进历程

● 见证技术变革如何塑造职业生态,引领百年职业变迁的潮流

● 通过“全球人力资源mini证券交易所”一窥人力资源在资本市场的广阔前景和资本价值

● 领略行业巨擘的思想如何推动全球人力资源发展进步

● 探索科技如何为人力资源领域注入新动力,并重新塑造行业的未来






Exhibition Hall Introduction


"Global Human Resources Exhibition Hall" is the first exhibition hall themed on global human resources development. Here, you will embark on a journey of thought and dialogue:


● Through a wealth of historical exhibits and vivid narratives, delve into the evolution of the global human resources industry.

● Witness how technological changes have shaped the professional ecosystem and led the trend of a century of career changes.

● Peek into the vast prospects and capital value of human resources in the capital market through the "Global Human Resources Mini Stock Exchange".

● Appreciate how the thoughts of industry giants have driven the development and progress of global human resources.

● Explore how technology injects new momentum into the field of human resources and reshapes the future of the industry.


We hope that every visitor to the "Global Human Resources Exhibition Hall" will be able to feel the immense power and bright future of the industry, and be moved by the beliefs of human resources professionals in their pursuit of excellence.


The exhibition hall is organized by Engma Group and located in the "Building That Touches the World" - The Engma Building. It is expected to officially open on August 18, 2024.








1. 全球人力资源演变历程/重点企业的展品:包括不限于老照片、初创时期办公用品(可复刻)、营业执照(可影印)、工牌、成立早期宣传单、企业重要周年纪念品等

2. 全球人力资源服务企业向资本市场进军的展品:上市相关展品,包括不限于敲钟仪式中佩戴的红围巾、敲钟锤、纪念版股票或股票复制品、企业上市定制纪念品、照片等

3. 全球历史悠久的组织/盛会:代表性组织成立早期的徽章、章程、首届盛会纪念品等




Collection Scope


With the joint efforts of enterprises and experts from all over the world, we have collected many precious exhibits. In order to more comprehensively showcase the historical changes of the global human resources industry and further enrich the collections of the "Global Human Resources Exhibition Hall", we will continue to collect relevant exhibits:


1.Exhibits related to the evolution of global human resources and key enterprises: including but not limited to old photos, office supplies from the early stages of establishment (can be replicas), business licenses (can be photocopies), employee badges, early promotional flyers, commemorative items for important anniversaries of the enterprise, etc.


2.Exhibits related to the entry of global human resources service enterprises into the capital market: listed-related exhibits, including but not limited to red scarves worn during the bell-ringing ceremony, bell-ringing hammers, commemorative stocks or replicas of stocks, customized commemorative items for the company's listing, photos, etc.


3.Global organizations/grand events with a long history: badges, charters, and commemorative items from the early establishment of representative organizations, as well as souvenirs from the first grand events.


Note: Physical objects are prioritized, multimedia and photos are also welcome




(Some of the exhibits that have been collected)




1. 捐赠:采取自愿原则,将藏品捐赠给展览馆,后期由展览馆统一保存及展出(展出时将标注展品提供机构或个人名称)。

2. 寄存或复制:展品所有权不变,展品存放在展览馆,后期由展览馆统一保存及展出;或复制后返还原件。展览馆与所有权人没有经济关系,但对展品负有管理保护责任。

3. 租借:双方协商签署租借合同,展品在租借期内由展馆统一保存及展出。出租/出借人保有对展品的所有权,租借期满后予以收回。


Collection Methods


1.Donation: Under the principle of voluntariness, collections can be donated to the exhibition hall for unified preservation and exhibition later on (the name of the organization or individual providing the exhibit will be indicated during the exhibition).

2.Deposit or Replication: The ownership of the exhibits remains unchanged. The exhibits are stored at the exhibition hall and will be preserved and exhibited by the hall in a unified manner. Alternatively, replicas can be made and the original items returned. The exhibition hall has no economic relationship with the owner, but bears the responsibility of managing and protecting the exhibits.

3.Rental: Both parties negotiate and sign a rental contract, during which the exhibits will be preserved and exhibited by the exhibition hall in a unified manner. The lessor retains ownership of the exhibits and will retrieve them upon expiration of the rental period.




1. 集中征集:即日起至2024年5月底。

2. 长期征集:征集启事在开馆后仍长期有效,并予以展陈或保存于全球人力资源展览馆中。

3. 展品征集以文字、图片、音像、实物等为主。捐赠者请附上展品的简要文字说明,包括时间、地点、事由、人物姓名及职务等。

4. 全球人力资源展览馆筹委会作为展品接收部门,将征集所得展品进行分类、整理、编号,统一造册,永久收藏;对数字化资料进行编目存储备份。对所征集展品进行展览时,经捐赠者同意,均注明捐赠者姓名。


Collection Period


1.Centralized Collection: From now until the end of May 2024.


2.Long-term Collection: The collection notice will remain valid after the opening of the exhibition hall and the exhibits will be displayed or preserved in the Global Human Resources Exhibition Hall.


3.The exhibits collected will mainly consist of text, images, audio-visual materials, and physical objects. Donors are requested to attach a brief written description of the exhibit, including the time, place, event, names and positions of the individuals involved, etc.


4.The Organizing Committee of the Global Human Resources Exhibition Hall, as the receiving department for the exhibits, will classify, organize, number, and compile a unified catalog of the collected exhibits for permanent collection; digitize the materials for cataloguing, storage, and backup. When exhibiting the collected exhibits, the names of the donors will be indicated with their consent.




征集人:Jing Yan

电  话:+(86)17354413407

邮  箱:yanjing@engma.net

地  址:苏州市虎丘区济慈路99号英格玛大厦·洄归


Contact for Collection


Contact Person: Ms. Yan

Mobile Phone:+(86) 17354413407

Contact Email: yanjing@engma.net

Collection Address: 99 Jici Road, Huqiu District, Suzhou, China











A Tribute to Every Participant


We sincerely invite you to share your treasures

These precious exhibits will occupy a place of honor in the exhibition hall

We will tell every visitor the fascinating stories behind the exhibits

Your contributions and their history will be widely recognized and passed down




Organizing Committee of the Global Human Resources Exhibition Hall

April 2024